
Bruno Pessoa Carvalho

Uc3m Madrid / ECARES

I am currently a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and an Associate Fellow at ECARES (SBS-EM, Université Libre de Bruxelles).
I work mostly on public economics and political economy.

Anna Pestova


Noemi Peter

University of Groningen

Rita Peto

Centre for Economic and Regional Studies

Robert Petrunia

Lakehead University

Luca Picariello

University of Naples Federico II

Myroslav Pidkuyko

Banco de España

Ferdinand Pieroth

Yale University

Diane Pierret

University of Luxembourg

Davide Pietrobon

Lund University

Gabor Pinter

Bank of England

Jon Piqueras

University College London

PhD Candidate at University College London.
Fields: Labor Economics, Public Economics.

Sophie Piton

Bank of England

Francisco Pitthan

KU Leuven

Francisco Pitthan is a PhD student in economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics of KU Leuven. His research is focused on quantitative and behavioural finance, developing financial education interventions and experiments aimed to reduce the effects of cognitive biases and improve financial literacy, decisions and financial health. He has applied this expertise in projects in collaboration with public and private institutions to foster better financial education and behavioural insights.

Mikkel Plagborg-Møller

Princeton University

Josef Platzer


Verena Pluempe

Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)

Andrea Podhorsky

York University

Maximilian Pöhnlein

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen

Côme Poirier

Dauphine-PSL University

Sebastian Poledna


Alexander Popov

Sergey V. Popov

Cardiff University

Valerio Poti

University College Dublin

Valerio is Professor of Finance in the Business School of University College Dublin, where he is the Director of the doctoral programme and of the UCD Smurfit Centre for Doctoral Research. He is also a visiting professor of Econometrics in the University of Bari in Italy. He is the Main Proposer and co-Chair of the H2020 COST Action "Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance - Towards a transparent financial industry" (CA19130).

Galina Potjagailo

Bank of England

Tom Potoms

Jean-Christophe Poudou

University of Montpellier, MRE, MUSE

Thaline do Prado


Erik Prawitz

Timm Prein

University of Helsinki

Mounu Prem


Justus Preusser

Ervin Prifti


Ervin Prifti is a Senior Economist with the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund working on issues of food and energy security and agricultural commodity markets. Previously, he has worked as an Economist for the United Nations and in the financial industry. His research has been featured in top academic journals.

Elisabeth Proehl

University of Amsterdam

I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Amsterdam. I received a PhD in Finance from the University of Geneva and the Swiss Finance Institute in June 2018. My research is focused on the theory and computation of general equilibrium models with heterogeneity and its application to macro-financial models. In particular, I am interested in the implications for wealth inequality, stock market participation, asset prices and firm financing.

David Puig

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Giuseppe Pulito

Rockwool Foundation Berlin

Pengzhan Qian

Queen Mary University of London

Ph.D. candidate at Queen Mary University of London

Christina Qiu

Yale University

Xiangyu Qu


Albert Queralto

Climent Quintana-Domeque

University of Exeter

Roxanne Raabe

University of Muenster

PhD student and junior researcher at the Institute for Public and Regional Economics at the University of Muenster, Germany.

Shiran Rachmilevitch

University of Haifa

Laura Radatz

University of Tuebingen

PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany, with a focus on multidimensional inequality, well-being, and health.

David Rahman

University of Minnesota

Arvid Raknerud

Statistics Norway

Mapi Ramos

Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Julio Ramos-Tallada

Banque de France

Senior economist at the International Economics and Cooperation Directorate. I currently organize international seminars and technical assistance in macroeconomics and statistics for the capacity building division of the Banque de France.

Eva Ranehill

Gothenburg and Lund University

Ansgar Rannenberg

National Bank of Belgium

Giacomo Ranzato

University of Mannheim

Malte Jacob Rattenborg

University of Copenhagen

Anna Raute

Queen Mary University of London

Farshad Ravasan

University of oxford

Emilien Ravigné

University of Oxford

Emilien is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. His main field is in Environmental Economics. He hold a PhD from Université Paris-Saclay (France).
His main focus is on the conditions for a fair transition, mainly in France and the UK. His work assesses the distributional impacts of net zero policies on households and how green technical change and climate policies impact productivity, labour and capital, hence the distribution of income.

Dilip Ravindran

Humboldt University of Berlin

Maria Recalde

University of Melbourne

Henry Redondo

Universidad Carlos III

Tali Regev

Reichman University (IDC)

Rastislav Rehák

CERGE-EI, MPI Bonn, University of Cologne

Niklas Reinhardt

Kiel University

Ricardo Reis

London School of Economics

Théodore Renault

Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)

Marta Reynal Querol

ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra & Barcelona School of Economics

Nicholas Reynolds

University of Essex

Mauricio Ribeiro

University of Bristol

Morgane Richard

University College London

I am an Economics PhD candidate at University College London.
I am a quantitative macroeconomist with research interests in housing, consumption and wealth inequality, and labour markets.
My supervisors are Morten O. Ravn, Ralph Luetticke, and Franck Portier.
I will be on the job market in 2023/2024.

Björn Richter

Jonna Rickardsson

Jönköping International Business School

My research interests lie at the intersection of political economics and regional economics. I am particularly interested in regional perspectives on voting behavior, political bias, and political conflict, and the role of regional dynamics such as urbanization, immigration, regional disparities, and the changing media landscape on political outcomes.

I am currently a PhD candidate in Economics at Jönköping International Business School

Julie Riise

University of Bergen

Mikkel Riiser

BI - Norwegian Business School

Johannes Rincke

Friedrich-Alexander University, Nürnberg

Juan Rios


Kumar Rishabh

HEC Lausanne

Kim Ristolainen

University of Turku

Kim Ristolainen is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Economics at University of Turku. His research interests are in machine learning, behavioral finance and financial stability. He has previously worked as an Yrjö Jahnsson Fellow in the Department of Economics at MIT and as a project researcher at the Bank of Finland’s Monetary Policy and Research Department.

Marcos Ritel

Kühne Logistics University

My research interests are international trade, trade policy, trade agreements, international trade and the environment.

Ernesto Rivera Mora

Yale University

I recently graduated with my PhD in Economics from the University of Arizona.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, I will be a postdoctoral fellow at the Cowles Foundation at Yale University.

Starting in Fall 2024, I will be joining the Economics Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

My primary research focuses on microeconomic theory.

Lucia Rizzica

Bank of Italy

Paolo Roberti

University of Bozen-Bolzano

I am an assistant professor at the faculty of economics and management, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. My research focuses on the incentives that drive the implementation of different policies by politicians, legislators and autocrats.