
Mykola Babiak

Lancaster University Management School

Philippe Bacchetta

University of Lausanne

Alexander Back

Hanken School of Economics

I am a doctoral student studying finance with an emphasis on statistics. My thesis is mainly concerned with estimation and inference of GARCH- and stochastic volatility models. On a broad level, my main interests in the field of statistics are time series analysis (both in the classical and state space frameworks), causal inference and machine learning methods with applications in finance and economics. In finance, I am interested in asset- and option pricing.

Antoine Baena

Gayane B.

Luca Bagnato

UCLA Anderson

Guo Mia Bai

University College London

Clare Balboni


Fabian Bald

European University Viadrina

I'm tenure-track Juniorprofessor ("Assistant Professor") for Regional and Urban Economics at the European University Viadrina.
I work on topics in the field of Regional and Urban Economics.

Isaac Baley

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Isaac Baley is an Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, an Associated Researcher at CREI, and an Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics. He is also a Research Affiliate of CEPR. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from New York University. His research aims to understand the impact of micro-level frictions - imperfect information, adjustment costs, and search - for macroeconomic outcomes. He received the EEA Award for Exceptional Teaching and an ERC grant.

Benedikt Ballensiefen

University of St. Gallen / World Bank Group

My primary research interests are asset pricing, monetary policy, and market microstructure.

Albert Banal-Estanol

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Nicolò Bandera

Bank of England

Anton Barabasch

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Marco Bardoscia

Bank of England

Francesca Barigozzi

University of Bologna

Francesco Barilari

Trinity College Dublin

Santiago Barraza

ESCP Business School

Daniel M. A. Barreto

Sciences Po

Hi! I am an economic theorist working on topics in information economics and behavioral economics. I have recently finished my Ph.D. at Sciences Po and from September onwards I will be an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam.

Laura Barros

University of Goettingen

Maren Bartels

University of Lucerne

Björn Bartling

University of Zurich

Louiza Bartzoka

Imperial College London

I’m a PhD candidate in Finance at Imperial College Business School. My research interests are in household finance and heterogeneous agents, with a particular focus on consumption, borrowing constraints and expectations.

Jacopo Bassetto

Henrique Basso

Michal Bauer

CERGE-EI and Charles University

Luis Bauluz

CUNEF Universidad

Luis Bauluz is an Assistant Professor (on tenure track) in the Economics Department at CUNEF Universidad Wealth Aggregates Coordinator at the World Inequality Database. He received a PhD in Economics from the Paris School of Economics in 2018. Before joining CUNEF as an Assistant Professor, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the MacroFinance & MacroHistory Lab of the University of Bonn.

Christian Bayer

University of Bonn

I am a macroeconomist, interested in the interplay of inequality, incomplete financial markets, and business cycle fluctuations.

I am a full professor at the University of Bonn since 2008.

I have held various visiting positions including a visiting professorship at the German Ministry of Finance in 2021. In 2022, I was a member of the German Federal Commission on Gas and Heating.

Tim Bayer

University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics

Mattis Beckmannshagen

DIW Berlin

Markus Behn

European Central Bank

Gábor Békés

Central European University

Associate Professor, Central European University (Austria), senior research fellow, KRTK (Hungary), and Research Affiliate, CEPR. Co-author of "Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy" textbook (Cambridge UP 2021)

Karim Bekhtiar

Institute for Advanced Studies

I am a junior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, Austria and a PhD candidate at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.

My current research is focused on labor demand shocks, in particullar labor market effects of automation technologies and international trade.

Elisa Belfiori

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

PhD in Economics, University of Minnesota.
I am a Macroeconomist with research interest in Climate Economics and Public Finance. I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota. My research is on the optimal design of climate policies and sits at the intersection of Macroeconomics and Climate Change with applications from Public Finance.

Alex Bell


I am currently doing a post-doc at the University of California in Los Angeles after obtaining my PhD in Economics from Harvard University. I am on the job market this fall.

Cristina Bellés-Obrero

Universitat de Barcelona

Clément Bellet

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Hi! I am currently an Assistant Professor at Erasmus School of Economics, Rotterdam. My work borrows from behavioral economics and marketing research to study how social inequalities, discrimination and emotions affect customer purchase behaviors, customer-worker interactions, and firm performance.

Sarra Ben Yahmed

ZEW Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research

Luca Benati

University of Bern

Ghassane Benmir

London School of Economics

Simon Bensnes

Statistics Norway

David Benson

Federal Reserve Board

Guillaume Bérard

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

Applied microeconomist specializing in Public Economics, Urban Economics and Political Economy.

Postdoctoral fellow, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER).

PhD in Economics from Aix-Marseille School of Economics.

My favorite tools are econometric methods and natural experiments, using large administrative databases and surveys, to address questions related to the public policy evaluation, housing, inequality, local taxes and public finance.

Marco Bernardini

Banca d'Italia

Marco Bernardini is an economist in the Monetary Policy Unit of Banca d'Italia (DG Economics, Statistics and Research). His most recent research focuses on monetary policy and its transmission mechanism.

Fabio Bertolotti


Frank Betz


Nilanjan Bhattacharya

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

I am a PhD scholar at the Department of Economic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. My research interest lies in Development Economics, Applied Microeconomics, and Experimental Economics. More specifically, my PhD research focuses on evaluating a public policy related to early childhood education. I have also used experimental data to measure the impact of forced migration on different dimensions of identity and social behavior.

Daniele Bianchi

Marcin Bielecki

University of Warsaw

Felix Bierbrauer

University of Cologne

Konrad Bierl

Humboldt Universität Berlin

Cindy Biesenbeek

De Nederlandsche Bank

Florin Bilbiie

University of Cambridge

G. Ege Bilgin

University of Bonn - Bonn Graduate School of Economics

I am a Ph.D. student in Economics at the University of Bonn.

My main research field is microeconomic theory, with a particular interest in matching, and other areas of applied theory such as political economy and mechanism design.

I will be on the job market in 2023/2024.

Carolina Biliotti

IMT School for Advanced Studies

Noam Binstok

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Daniel Bird

Tel Aviv University

Michele Bisceglia

Martina Björkman Nyqvist

Stockholm School of Economics

I am Professor in Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics. My research interests include development economics, health economics, public service delivery, and the economics of education.

Boris Blagov

RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

I am an economist and a professional forecaster for RWI – Leibniz Institute of Economic Research in Essen, Germany at the division Macroeconomics and Public Finance. I am interested in Applied Macroeconomics and Econometrics.

Pablo Blanchard

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

I am a PhD candidate at the dECON (Economics Department at Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de la República, Uruguay) and a research assistant at IECON (Instituto de Economía, Economics Department, Universidad de la República, Uruguay).
My research interests are in industrial organization, labor economics and innovation.

Fabio Blasutto

Stockholm School of Economics

Simon Block

University of Bonn

Benjamin Blumenthal

ETH Zürich

Dominik Boddin

Deutsche Bundesbank

Lukas Boehnert

University of Oxford

Filippo Boeri

London School of Economics

Albrecht Bohne

ZEW Mannheim

Diego Bohorquez

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

PhD Candidate in Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Elio Bolliger

University of Lausanne

I am PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Lausanne and an Economist at the Swiss Federal Finance Department.

My research interests focus on information frictions, expectation formations, macroprudential regulation and forecasting.

Wilko Bolt

De Nederlandsche Bank

Jeanne Bomare

Paris School of Economics

Lena Boneva


Diana Bonfim

Banco de Portugal, ECB and Católica Lisbon

Stephane Bonhomme

University of Chicago

Cécile Bonneau

Paris School of Economics

Odran Bonnet

Christian Bontemps

ENAC & Toulouse School of Economics