
Fulvia Marotta

University of Oxford

Aurea Ponte Marques

European Central Bank

Samuel Marshall

University of Warwick

Fernando Martin

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Alejandra Agustina Martínez

Carlos III de Madrid / Leicester

Nicolas Martinez

Toulouse School of Economics

Julian Martinez-Iriarte

UC Santa Cruz

Ricardo Marto

University of Pennsylvania

Enric Martorell

Banco de España

Waldemar Marz

ifo Institute and LMU Munich

Environmental and political economist.
In my research, I use theory, numerics, and structural econometrics to study the impacts of carbon pricing on capital and resource markets and on the urban form and its interplay with political economic dynamics.

Aidas Masiliunas

University of Sheffield

Daniele Massacci

Konstantinos Matakos

King's College London

Andrea Mattia

University of Chicago

Rosa Matzkin


Damien Mayaux

Paris School of Economics

Maximilian Mayer

IWH Halle

Harald Mayr

Brett McCully

Collegio Carlo Alberto

Fabrizia Mealli

European University Institute

Muhammad Meki

University of Oxford

Valentina Melentyeva

University of Cologne

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at the University of Cologne and a member of the ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Cluster of Excellence. Prior to joining the University of Cologne, I was a PhD student at the University of Mannheim (GESS) and worked as a researcher in the group "Inequality and Public Policy" at the ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research. My research interests include labor economics with the focus on gender inequality and applied econometrics.

Giovanni Mellace

University of Southern Denmark

I'm a Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Southern Denmark. Since 2021 I am the chair person of the Econometric and Data Science research group . My main research field is Econometrics. In particular, I'm interested in developing methods for the identification and estimation of causal effects. I'm also interested in empirical labor and health economics.

Marcela Mello

Brown University

Blaise Melly

Caíque Melo

Bocconi University

I am Caíque Melo, a Third-Year PhD Student in Social and Political Science at Bocconi University. My research interests are focused on Applied Microeconomics, specifically Political Economy and Public Economics.

Federica Meluzzi

CREST (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)

Lucie Ménager

Université Paris Panthéon-Assas

Paolo Mengano

University of Zurich

PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich, Postdoc at HBS and incoming AP at ESADE.

Albert J. Menkveld

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Albert Menkveld is Professor of Finance at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Fellow at the Tinbergen Institute. In 2002, he received a Tinbergen PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He was on visiting positions for multiple years at various U.S. schools (NYU, Wharton, and Stanford).

Josh Merfeld

KDI School

Satu Metsälampi

University of Turku

Alexander Meyer-Gohde

Goethe University Frankfurt

Armando Miano

Institute for Employment Research

I am a Research Associate at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University in May 2023.

My research interests are in Public Economics, Labor Economics, and Political Economy. In my research, I use large-scale surveys and experiments to study how peoples' perceptions and expectations shape their behaviors and their attitudes towards public policies.

Isabel Micó-Millán

University Carlos III

Fabian Mierisch

Katholische Universität Eichstätt Ingolstadt

I am a 5th year PhD student at the KU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt. I am an applied microeconomist with interests in education, field experiments, and labour. My research focuses on discrimination in the education system.

Antonela Miho

Paris School of Economics

Andrej Mijakovic

European University Institute

Sergei Mikhalishchev


I am a postdoctoral Research Fellow at Durham University.
My area of research is mainly Information Economics (mostly rational inattention), Political Economics, and Behavioral Economics.

Luigi Minale

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Daria Minina

University of Amsterdam

Julia Mink

University of Bonn

Francesca Miserocchi

Yuliyan Mitkov

University of Bonn

Nikolas Mittag


Takeshi Miyazaki

Kyushu University

Marko Mlikota

University of Pennsylvania

Ylva Moberg

Institutet For Social Forskning

Jakob Moeller

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

I am a PhD candidate at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. My research is in behavioral and experimental economics, focusing on gender and health economics.

Espen R. Moen

Norwegian Business School

Johan Moen-Vorum

London Business School

Ali Moghaddasi Kelishomi

Loughborough University

Sascha Möhrle

ifo Institute

Paul-Henri Moisson

Irene Monasterolo

EDHEC Business School

Irene Monasterolo is an economist analysing the macro-financial impacts of climate risks and the design of mitigation and adaptation policies. She developed the EIRIN Stock-Flow Consistent-Agent Based model and the climate stress-test. Her research was published in top journals (Science) and applied by financial institution (e.g.World Bank, ECB). She is Full Professor of Climate Finance, co-founder of CLIMAFIN, assoc. editor at Ecological Economics, fellow at SUERF and Institute Louis Bachelier.

Niclas Moneke

University of Oxford

Carlos Montes-Galdón

European Central Bank

Juan S. Morales

Wilfrid Laurier University

Raul Morales Lema

The World Bank

Patrick Moran

University of Copenhagen, CEBI, and IFS

Humberto Moreira


Juan Martin Morelli

Board of Governors

Alessandra Moresi

Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Turin

I am a 4th year PhD student in Torino (Italy), doing research through the lens of applied microeconomics. Interested in political, social media and gender. Fascinated by critical junctures within political systems.

Annaig Morin

Copenhagen Business School

Hiroshi Morita

Mathias Mørk

Aahus University

Vladislav Morozov

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics

I am a PhD candidate in econometrics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) in Barcelona, Spain.

My research interests are panel data econometrics and econometrics of pervasive heterogeneity. In particular, I am interested in nonparametric methods of analyzing heterogeneity.

Emil Mortensen

Toulouse School of Economics

PhD student interested in macroeconomics.

Petra Moser


Arieda Muço

Central European University

Sabrina Muehlbauer

Institute for Employment Research

Clemens Mueller

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Financial economics, empirical corporate finance with focus on labor and innovation

Johanna Muffert

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Andreas Müller

University of Basel

I am an Assistant Professor in International Economics at the University of Basel and a Research Affiliate at the CEPR.

My main research interests are in international macroeconomics, public finance, macro development, and political economy.

Michèle Müller-Itten

University of St.Gallen

Juan Munoz

IESEG School of Management

Manuel A. Muñoz

Spanish Treasury

Emmanuel Murray Leclair

Western University