
Oliko Vardishvili

Kinga Varga


Alexey Vasilenko

Northeastern University

Jesús Vázquez

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Iivo Vehviläinen

Aalto University

Rune Vejlin

Aarhus University

Miriam Venturini

University of Zurich

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Economics of the University of Zurich. I will be on the academic job market this year (2023-2024). My research interests are in political economy and economic history, and my research focuses on the role of grassroots organizations, and labor unions in particular, for political participation. I earned my M.Sc. in economics at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) in 2017.

Priyam Verma

Aix Marseille School of Economics

I am a post-doctoral fellow at Aix-Marseille School of Economics. I did my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Houston in 2021. My research interests are in trade and geography, growth and development, and macroeconomics. I study spatial outcomes and optimal regional policies through the lens of quantitative trade models.

Gauthier Vermandel

Ecole polytechnique

Paul Vertier

Banque de France

Lise Vesterlund

University of Pittsburg

Heike Vethaak

Leiden University

Óscar Vicente-Chirivella

University of Valencia

Lars Vilhuber

Cornell University

Sergio Villalvazo

Federal Reserve Board

Ernesto Villanueva

Banco de España/ Bank of Spain

Xavier Vives

IESE Business School

Jaume Vives-i-Bastida


PhD student in Economics and Statistics at MIT working on Econometrics and Industrial Organization.

Davide Viviano


Razvan Vlahu

Dutch Central Bank

Jonas von Wangenheim

University of Bonn

Suncica Vujic

University of Antwerp

Professor of applied econometrics at University of Antwerp. Interest in labour, education, crime, health, gender. Affiliations with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (EDS) and University of Bath (Economics). Research Fellow at IZA World of Labor.

Martin Wagner

Univerrsity of Klagenfurt, Bank of Slovenia and Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna

Andrew Wainwright

University of Bath

I'm a final year PhD student in Environmental Economics. I currently have three working papers: a model of social tipping points, a paper on measuring progress to a circular economy, and a paper on the value factor of electricity production, which compares the time value of electricity generated by different means. In addition, I am presenting at this conference on Climate-Just Debt Swaps, a proposal which could form the mechanism for the "Loss & Damage" scheme announced at COP27.

Thomas Walsh

European University Institute

Cheng Wan

ETH Zurich

Hanna Wang

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Runnan Wang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tao Wang

Bank of Canada

Incoming senior economist at the Bank of Canada.
Research interest: expectation/belief formation and its macro implications; behavioral and heterogeneous-agent macro.

Teng Wang

Federal Reserve Board

Xuexin Wang

Xiamen University, China

Zhu Wang

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Larry Warren

U.S. Census Bureau

I am a senior economist at the US Census Bureau working on topics in macroeconomics, labor markets, and market power.

Roberto Weber

University of Zurich

Jinlin Wei

University of Warwick

I seek to understand economic development in history from a spatial perspective.

I hold an MRes in Economics from Warwick Economics, a Master of Economics from the National School of Development, Peking University, a Bachelor of Science from School of Physics, Peking University and a Bachelor of Economics from the National School of Development, Peking University.

Mengying Wei

University of International Business and Economics

Siqi Wei

IE University

Daniel Weishaar

LMU Munich

Daniel Weishaar is a PhD student at the Center for Economic Studies (CES) at the University of Munich (LMU). His research interests span from public economics and welfare economics to political economy and normative economics. With his research, he wants to contribute to the understanding of i) the measurement of different types of inequality, ii) the perceptions of these inequalities by citizens of different societies, and iii) the optimal design of public policies.

Christoph Weiss

European Investment Bank

Maximilian Weiß

University of Tuebingen

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Tuebingen. I work in the area of macroeconomics with heterogeneity, using structural models that relate macro- and micro-level data. I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Bonn.

Marco Weissler

European Central Bank

Georg Weizsäcker

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Matthias Westphal

Fernuni Hagen

Johannes Weytjens

Ghent University

Mark Whitmeyer

Arizona State University

Adrien Wicht

European University Institute

Boris Wieczorek


I am an economics researcher delving into the impact of social norms on decision-making in unequal environment. Complex interactions arise from heterogeneity, which make social norms ambiguous. Employing lab, online, and field experiments, alongside with human-environment feedback models, I aim to identify ways to amplify pro-social and pro-environmental actions.

Cole Randall Williams

Frank Windmeijer

University of Oxford

Lisa Windsteiger

University of Salzburg

Erwin Winkler

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Daniel Witt

University of Bamberg

Jana Wittich

Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

Lars Wittrock

Maastricht University

Carlo Wix

Federal Reserve Board

Andrej Woerner

LMU Munich

Stefan Wöhrmüller

University of Amsterdam

Elias Wolf

Freie Universität Berlin

I am currently a research assistant at the Chair of Econometrics at Freie Universität Berlin. In September 2023, I will join the Statistics Group at the Insitute of Fianance and Statistics at the Universtiy of Bonn.

I hold a a PhD in Economics from the Freie Universität Berlin. I worked at the Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Policy Modelling and Forecasting Division of the ECB and was a visiting PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania.

Julien Wolfersberger

Paris-Saclay University & AgroParisTech

Ronald Wolthoff

University of Toronto

Ashley Wong

Tilburg University

Assistant Professor of Economics

Po Yin Wong

Queen Mary University of London

Tsz-Ning Wong

University of Barcelona

I am a game theorist, whose research focuses on models of political economy, strategic experimentation and communication. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona. Previously, I worked at the University of Mannheim (2021-2023) the University of Basel (2018-2021) and Aalto University (2016-2018) . I received my PhD degree in 2016 from the Pennsylvania State University under the supervision of Kalyan Chatterjee.

Tomasz Woźniak

University of Melbourne

Tomasz is a Bayesian econometrician developing the methodology for empirical macroeconomic analyses. He develops statistical and mathematical models to describe economic reality and measure the effects of government decisions on the real economy.

Presenting: What do Data Say About Time-Variation in Monetary Policy Shock Identification? (with Annika Camehl, EUR)

Keywords: Time-Varying Identification, Identification Through Heteroskedasticity, Stochastic Volatility, Markov-Switching

Dajana Xhani

Tilburg University

Pengpeng Xiao

Duke University

Ramon Xifré


I am Associate Professor at ESCI-UPF School of International Studies since 2004. I also teach at UPF - BSM and I am Policy Research Fellow at IESE. I am interested in the competitiveness of the Spanish and EU economies and the related policies and structural reforms on issues such as the business environment, public administration, internationalisation and R&D and innovation.

Juanyi Xu


Le Xu

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Naoki Yago

The University of Cambridge

Naoki Yago received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Tokyo and MPhil from the University of Cambridge. He is now a PhD student at the University of Cambridge. His research interest is macroeconomics, monetary economics, and international finance. His current research focuses on the effect of monetary and exchange rate policies on exchange rate and stock market.

Takashi Yamagata

University of York & Osaka University

Biao Yang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Han Yang

Academia Sinica

I am an assistant research fellow in the Institute of Economics Academic Sinica. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Penn State University in 2019.

My research interests encompass international trade and macroeconomics, with additional focus on the economics of gaming, digital economy, development, and environment economics.

Lily Ling Yang

University of Mannheim

Lily Ling Yang is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics at the University of Mannheim. Her research interests include Microeconomic Theory, Political Economy, and Experimental Economics.

Before coming to Mannheim she worked as a lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia. Yang did her MPhil. in Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010 and earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 2016.

Yucheng Yang

Princeton University; University of Zurich

Yucheng Yang is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Zurich. His main research and teaching interests are macroeconomics, finance, and machine learning. His research has garnered accolades including the CICF Yihong Xia Best Paper Award and the CES Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. Yucheng earned his PhD from Princeton University in 2023 and holds prior degrees from Peking University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Jinglun Yao

London Business School

PhD student in Economics at London Business School. I'm on the job market in the 2023/2024 academic year.

Luther Yap

Princeton University

Alexander Yarkin

Brown University

I am an Economics Ph.D. Candidate at Brown University, Department of Economics.
I will spend years 2023-2024 as a postdoc at UC Davis and LISER, before going on the Job Market.
My research focuses on political economy, development, cultural and labor economics. I'm especially interested in migration, diffusion of opinions and ideas, social networks, economics of identity, and historical political economy.


Osaka University

I am a Professor at the Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University. I have a BA from the University of Tokyo and a Ph.D. from Princeton University.

I am a theoretical economist with a strong interest in applications. My research primarily focuses on Game Theory, Industrial Organization, and Market Design.

Taking a sabbatical leave, I have been staying at the ISEG in Lisbon from April 2021 to August 2022.