
Pauli Murto

Aalto University School of Business

Tymofiy Mylovanov

Kyiv School of Economics

Sunha Myong

Singapore Management University

Lea Nagel

Stanford University

Takumi Naito

Waseda University

Yuta Nakamura

Yokohama City University

Anton Nakov

European Central Bank

I am a macroeconomist with interests in pricing, business cycles, and monetary policy.

Ramin Nassehi

University College London

-Lecturer (Teaching) in Economics at University College London.
-A contributor to the CORE Econ project.
-Royal Economic Society’s Schools Outreach Sub-Committee chair.

My research interest is on economics pedagogy, particularly in the ways in which economists can better communicate their ideas to the public.

Anna Naszodi

Central Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank)

Anna Naszodi is a Senior Researcher affiliated with the Central Bank of Hungary. Previously she worked for the JRC as a Scientific Project Officer. Her research interest includes Demographic Economics, Applied Econometrics, as well as International Macroeconomics and Finance. Her papers were published in the Journal of Demographic Economics, the International Journal of Central Banking, the Journal of International Money and Finance and featured in the New York Times, as well as the VoxEU.

Fabrice Naumann

TU Dresden

PhD Candidate in International Economics

Laia Navarro-Sola

Stockholm University, IIES

Matthew Naylor

University of Oxford and University of Oxford

Economist at the Bank of England, and 2nd year PhD student at University of Oxford.

Angelina Nazarova

Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex

I am an applied economist and currently a Senior Research Officer (PostDoc) at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
I work on research questions in development, gender and health, with an emphasis on the inequality of opportunities and socio-economic outcomes across different segments of society.

Abdoul Aziz Ndoye

Université d'Orléans-Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans (LEO)

Peter Neis

Toulouse School of Economics

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics.

My research interest are focused around Development Economics, Law & Economics and Applied Microeconometrics.

I am interested in understanding how judiciaries around the world (but mainly in India) influence (economic) development.

Lorenzo Neri

University of St Andrews

Matteo Neri--Lainé

Université Paris Dauphine, PSL

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at the University Paris Dauphine, PSL and a member of the joint research unit LEDa - DIAL. My research covers topics in international economics and conflict economics. I'm deeply interested in various subjects like trade determinants, policies and welfare impacts, as well as the role of conflict, insecurity and military policies in shaping the economy.

Felipe Netto

Bank of England

Whitney Newey


Carol Newman

Trinity College Dublin

Yongwei Nian

Bocconi University

Antonio Nicolò

University of Padua and University of Manchester

Delia Niehues

RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

Delia Niehues is a member of the research group “Prosocial Behavior” in the research unit “Environment and Resources” at the RWI since April 2021. She studied Economics (B. Sc.) at the University of Bonn and Economic Policy Consulting (M. Sc.) at the Ruhr-University Bochum. During her master studies, she spent one semester at the University of Pisa.

Eric Nielsen

Federal Reserve Board

Principal Economist
Division of Research and Statistics

Research Areas: applied econometrics, education, child development, human capital, real estate, inequality, wealth, economic measurement

Helena Skyt Nielsen

Aarhus University

Dirk Niepelt

University of Bern

U of Bern, CEPR

Adrian Nieto Castro

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research

I am a Postdoctoral researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and a Visiting Research Fellow at the London School of Economics (LSE).

During Spring 2024, I will be visiting the Department of Economics of the University of California - San Diego, and in 2022 I was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of California - Santa Barbara.

I am also a Research Affiliate at IZA and the University of Nottingham, where I obtained my Ph.D. by the end of 2019.

Kalin Nikolov


Dongxiao Niu

Maastricht University

Hi, I'm Dongxiao Niu, a Postdoctoral researcher in real estate finance and urban economics at Maastricht University (MCRE).
My research interests are urban economics and environmental economics, with a strong focus on sustainability in the real estate sector. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University (China), and Master’s degree in Economics from Peking University (China).

Francisco Nobre

University of Surrey

Andriy Norets

Brown University

Vladimír Novák

National Bank of Slovakia

Hi, I am a Senior Economist at the National Bank of Slovakia (Central Bank), where I am a part of the Structural Policies team.

In my research, I work on topics related to information economics, behavioral economics, political economics, and the application of behavioral models to development economics.

Filip Novokmet

Bonn University

Laura Nowzohour


Hi there! I obtained my PhD in International Economics from the Geneva Graduate Institute and joined the ECB's Economist Graduate Program in fall 2022. My research interests lie at the intersection of macro, finance and environmental economics. In my papers, I have utilized both theoretical models as well as text mining and econometric techniques to investigate e.g. how environmental policy uncertainty affects firms. I currently work in the ECB team chairing Workstream 2 of the NGFS.

Ricardo Nunes

University of Surrey

Matias Nunez

CREST , Ecole polytechnique & CNRS

Andreas Økland

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Rodrigo Oliveira


Martin Olsson

Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)

Yasin Kursat Onder

Ghent University

Arito Ono

Chuo University

Emre Oral

University of Mannheim

I am a third year PhD student at University of Mannheim. I’m interested in applied microeconomics, in particular public economics, and I currently work on behavioral social insurance topics.

Previously I studied in LMU Munich and Koç University.

Jose Renato Ornelas

Banco Central do Brasil

Florian Oswald


Sebastian Ottinger

Northwestern University

Ghizlen Ouasbaa

Univeristat de Barcelona & IEB

Daniel Overbeck

University of Mannheim

PhD Student in Economics at University of Mannheim. Interested in Public and Development Economics.

Julius Owusu

University of Bristol

Yasemin Özdemir

Bayreuth University

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Empirical Macroeconomics and Family Economics at the University of Bayreuth. In August 2020, I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Mannheim (GESS).
My research interests are in the area of Social Networks, Applied Microeconometrics, Economics of Education, and Labour Economics.

Hakan Ozyilmaz

Toulouse School of Economics

I use lab and field experiments to study how suboptimal decisions people make are related to cognitive factors such as attention, salience, and incorrect mental models.

Alessia Paccagnini

University College Dublin

David Pacini

University of Bristol

Michaela Paffenholz

University of Munich (LMU)

Marco Pagnozzi

Universita' di Napoli Federico II

Nuno Paixao

Bank of Canada

Cavit Pakel

University of Oxford & Bilkent University

Mariano J. Palleja

University of California, Los Angeles

​​I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at UCLA, with research interests in Macroeconomics and Finance

I will be on the job market in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Filippo Pallotti

University College London

I'm a PhD candidate at University College London.

I work with HANK models and microdata, including alternative data from fintech platforms. My dissertation centres on the current inflation episode (its dynamics, distributional impacts, and its effects on aggregate demand).

Currently, I'm also a PhD Intern at the Bank of England (Monetary Analysis Division). Former PhD Intern at ECB (DG Research) and Predoc at Stanford (SIEPR).

Silvia Palmaccio

KU Leuven

Nikos Paltalidis

Durham University

Luigi Palumbo

Banca d'Italia

I have a strong passion for innovation and exploration, driven by a huge curiosity and will to learn.
My research interests are: Web scraping; consumer prices; forecasting; economic research on real-time data.
Opinions expressed here are mine only.

Yuhang Pan

Peking University

Ioannis Papadakis

University of Sussex

Illia Pasichnichenko

Queen Mary University of London

I am a postdoctoral researcher at Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance. My research is in economic theory, decision theory, and experimental economics.

Alba Patozi

University of Cambridge

Alessandro Pavan

Northwestern University

Alessandro Pavan is a Professor at Northwestern University, USA. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory. His research concerns the role of information in strategic settings. His research focuses on global games, the social value of information and coordination, mechanism and information design, matching, competing principals, privacy, information aggregation, and platform markets. He currently serves as co-editor of the ES Monographs.

Lora Pavlova

Deutsche Bundesbank and KIT

Fernando Payro Chew


I am an Assistant Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics, and a member of The Center for the Study of Organizations and Decisions in Economics.

Research interests: microeconomic theory, decision theory, and behavioral economics.

Lennert Peede

Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Guangyu Pei

Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Oana Peia

University College Dublin

Michele Pelli

University of Zurich & Swiss Finance Institute

I am interested in the effects of banking and financial regulation, primarily on corporations and households. Specifically, in my dissertation, I empirically investigate the intended and unintended consequences of unconventional central bank policies, such as negative interest rates, macroprudential tools, and changes of exchange rate regimes on households’ saving decisions, house prices, and corporations’ cross-border acquisitions.

Elena Perazzi


Santiago Pereda Fernández

Universidad de Cantabria

João Pereira Dos Santos

ISEG- University of Lisbon, IZA

Assistant Professor at ISEG. Marie Curie Postdoc at Queen Mary University of London from September onwards.

Laura Pérez Cervera

Queen Mary University of London

Damiaan Persyn

Thünen Institute, University of Göttingen