Political Economy (EEA)

Presenter(s) Type Length Chair Room Number Add to calendar
Lisa Windsteiger Daniel Carvajal Laura Galdikiene Björn Bartling Contributed Sessions 31/08 09:00 CEST
Björn Bartling
Add to Calendar 2023-08-31 09:00:00 2024-12-20 19:30:02 EEA-ESEM 2023: Political Economy (EEA). Room: 40,154 EEA-ESEM 2023 congress@eeassoc.org Europe/Rome public


(Listed in order of presenters above)

Inequality shapes the propagation of unethical behaviours: Cheating responses to tax evasion along the income distribution

Read paper

The role of social context on prosocial behavior

Effects of cooperative and uncooperative narratives on trust and health attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experimental evidence

Read paper

Free to Fail? Paternalistic Preferences in the United States


Inequality shapes the propagation of unethical behaviours: Cheating responses to tax evasion along the income distribution


The role of social context on prosocial behavior

Effects of cooperative and uncooperative narratives on trust and health attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experimental evidence


Free to Fail? Paternalistic Preferences in the United States