Applied Microeconomics

Presenter(s) Type Length Chair Room Number Add to calendar
Li Han Mohammad Hoseini Sven Hartmann Mariyana Zapryanova Contributed Sessions 31/08 09:00 CEST
Li Han
Add to Calendar 2023-08-31 09:00:00 2024-12-23 22:59:50 EEA-ESEM 2023: Applied Microeconomics. Room: 40.S01 EEA-ESEM 2023 Europe/Rome public


(Listed in order of presenters above)

Is Ignorance in Matching Bliss for One’s Marital Life? Theory and Evidence from China

Marriage and Employment Returns to Female Education

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Television and the Labor Market: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany

How do Parole Boards Respond to Large, Societal Shocks? Evidence from the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

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Is Ignorance in Matching Bliss for One’s Marital Life? Theory and Evidence from China

Marriage and Employment Returns to Female Education


Television and the Labor Market: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany

How do Parole Boards Respond to Large, Societal Shocks? Evidence from the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks